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Darknet Rip-Unleashed
12.06.17 22:11

: Darknet Rip-Unleashed


Darknet is a strategy/puzzle game in which you play as an elite hacker in the Net. Plug into cyberspace, using viruses, worms, and exploits to steal the data before your signal gets traced!

DEEP GAMEPLAY: “Darknet is the closest thing to a killer app for the system... It seems simple at first, but Darknet quickly grows to require a lot of second- and third-order logical thinking, under what can be a strict time limit. More than anything else, Darknet was what I was excited to play every time.” - Ars Technica

CYBERPUNK HACKING: “Darknet is the hacking VR game we’ve all been waiting for since our first viewing of HACKERS, Johnny Mnemonic, or Tron… Everything I wanted out of a hacking game since 1995. The future is finally here and I’m cracking nodes, dropping viruses, staying one-step ahead of security.” -

GREAT FOR VR: “When I dove into the cyberspace simulation, I lost myself in the illusion. My relationship to meat space was momentarily forgotten. And that’s precisely what a virtual reality game ought to do for the player… It is the best Oculus Rift game I’ve ever played.” - DailyDotDarknet is a strategy/puzzle game in which you play as an elite hacker in the Net. Plug into cyberspace, using viruses, worms, and exploits to steal the data before your signal gets traced!

DEEP GAMEPLAY: “Darknet is the closest thing to a killer app for the system... It seems simple at first, but Darknet quickly grows to require a lot of second- and third-order logical thinking, under what can be a strict time limit. More than anything else, Darknet was what I was excited to play every time.” - Ars Technica

CYBERPUNK HACKING: “Darknet is the hacking VR game we’ve all been waiting for since our first viewing of HACKERS, Johnny Mnem...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Strategy
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 797
Größe: 243 MB

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