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Dies irae Amantes Amentes Inc All Dlc iSo-DarksiDers
10.06.17 12:31

: Dies irae Amantes Amentes Inc All Dlc iSo-DarksiDers


The common part scenario can be played as a basic free of charge.
In order to play each heroine scenario, purchase of DLC is required separately.

Dies irae is an immensely popular Japanese visual novel.
Ever since its initial release in 2007, the game has sold over 100 thousand copies domestically, with new fans being drawn to it every passing year.

In 2015, a Japanese crowdfunder was conducted for an anime version of Dies irae.
It successfully raised over 30 million yen less than 24 hours after it began.
The anime is currently in-production, and scheduled to begin airing in 2017.
Of course, there are plans to air the anime in North America as well.

The game contains a dark and rich atmosphere, characters with twisted personalities, poetic and sophisticated dialogue, and heart-poundingly thrilling battles.
Every single one of these aspects are finely-tuned.
Dies irae also has a splendid cast of voice actors, many of them legends amongst anime fans the world over.
Naturally, many fans have also been feverishly drawn to the story and its ride of thrills.The common part scenario can be played as a basic free of charge.
In order to play each heroine scenario, purchase of DLC is required separately.

Dies irae is an immensely popular Japanese visual novel.
Ever since its initial release in 2007, the game has sold over 100 thousand copies domestically, with new fans being drawn to it every passing year.

In 2015, a Japanese crowdfunder was conducted for an anime version of Dies irae.
It successfully raised over 30 million yen less than 24 hours after it began.
The anime is currently in-production, and scheduled to begin airing in 2017.
Of course, there are plans to air the anime in North A...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 872
Größe: 3,27 GB

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