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Rescue Quest Gold Collectors Edition-Zeke
11.06.17 22:16

: Rescue Quest Gold Collectors Edition-Zeke


The hit match-3 game is back! Join Boom and Zap on their fantasy adventure in Rescue Quest Gold, lovingly remastered as a premium game with more levels, enhanced effects, and improved gameplay.

Play through 200+ levels of uninterrupted fun as you follow the road to Turnspell Academy and study to become a full-pledged wizard! However, magic is slowly fading as the Spritelings steadily disappear. It’s up to the twin magicians Boom and Zap to rescue the Spritelings and save the world from an evil sorcerer.

Match three or more tokens and clear a path while fulfilling level objectives: defeat enemies, overcome obstacles, collect keys, or race your way to victory! Discover stunning combo spells and summon magical creatures to defeat unexpected foes in your way.

Are you ready to embark on this magical quest? Save the world one spriteling at a time in Rescue Quest Gold!The hit match-3 game is back! Join Boom and Zap on their fantasy adventure in Rescue Quest Gold, lovingly remastered as a premium game with more levels, enhanced effects, and improved gameplay.

Play through 200+ levels of uninterrupted fun as you follow the road to Turnspell Academy and study to become a full-pledged wizard! However, magic is slowly fading as the Spritelings steadily disappear. It’s up to the twin magicians Boom and Zap to rescue the Spritelings and save the world from an evil sorcerer.

Match three or more tokens and clear a path while fulfilling level objectives: defeat enemies, overcome obstacles, collect keys, or race you...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Puzzle
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 897
Größe: 241 MB

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