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Super Stone Legacy iSo-DarksiDers
10.06.17 12:03

: Super Stone Legacy iSo-DarksiDers


Super Stone Legacy is fast, flashy and exciting to play. Dash at enemies, slay bosses, dodge fireballs, power up and unleash huge "SUPER" attacks! Fight through an ever changing dungeon as the forces of darkness grow more powerful with each passing room, or invite some friends over for couch co-op and take on the challenge together! Fast paced, exciting, and plenty of replayability, Super Stone Legacy is awesome value for fans of Action, Adventures, or RPGs!
Key Features
Six Classic RPG Classes - Knight, Wizard, Archer, Fighter, Cleric and Duelist. Each with their own unique abilities, strengths and weaknesses.
Be The Whole Party - Swap mid-combat between heroes and combine their strengths! But, if a hero should die... they stay dead forever. Forever.
Difficult Arcade Gameplay - Swarms of angry minions. Big fat bosses at the end of each stage. Difficult skill based gameplay. Groovy arcade tunes. Game over screens. The whole lot!
Local Co-op Multiplayer - Up to 3 players can join the havoc in white-knuckled cooperative play. Unite or fall!
Procedurally Generated Zones - Experience a new fight each time you play with different enemies, bosses and locations to explore!
"Twin-Stick" Controls - Play with a keyboard & mouse or Xbox 360 controllers.
Death - You and your companions are going to die. But with each death you`ll be a little wiser. A little tougher. A little closer to victory!Super Stone Legacy is fast, flashy and exciting to play. Dash at enemies, slay bosses, dodge fireballs, power up and unleash huge "SUPER" attacks! Fight through an ever changing dungeon as the forces of darkness grow more powerful with each passing room, or invite some friends over for couch co-op and take on the challenge together! Fast paced, exciting, and plenty of replayability, Super Stone Legacy is awesome value for fans of Action, Adventures, or RPGs!
Key Features
Six Classic RPG Classes - Knight, Wizard, Archer, Fighter, Cleric and Duelist. Each with their own unique abilities, strengths and weaknesses.
Be The Whole Party - Swap mid-com...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Action
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 565
Größe: 957 MB

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